
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Seoul Video Contest: "Streaming Seoul 2009"

This post is to call your attention to a very interesting and worthwhile video contest being sponsored by the City of Seoul called "Streaming Seoul 2009."   Click on the title or here to access their web site.  The contest is open to all, regardless of nationality, but there is a particular interest in how people from other countries and foreigners residing in Seoul experience and view the city.
Those of you who follow this blog know that I've long been concerned with questions surrounding national image and brand image, whether that be for a city, a corporation or another sort of organization.  Of course, this blog also concerns itself with developments in mobile communication.  One part of the big transformation taking place is the growing ease with which video can be recorded and shared with others via the internet.
I notice that the deadline for submissions to the contest is December 31.  That leaves just over three weeks for videophiles to shoot some video and put together a potential prize-winner.  The contest offers cash prizes for several categories of video.
My personal thanks to Danny Taewoo "Technokimchi" Kim for calling this contest to my attention.

1 comment:

  1. See, I make lots of videos about just this kind of stuff, but I won't enter the contest. Here's why:

    1: Any video you make they own
    2: If you made the video public beforehand (on your site or YouTube) you don't qualify

    1+2 = you make a video for only them (and very few others) to see in the hopes that maybe maybe maybe you'll win a prize. Why not let me use videos I've made elsewhere? Why not let me show the video I made for the contest elsewhere?

    So that's unfortunate. I have a feeling I could have made something good for this contest and site, but the rules don't make me want to enter.
