
Monday, December 31, 2012

Some year-end thoughts,새해 복 많이 받으세요

A quick check shows that my blogging activity in 2012 is down measurably from the previous several years.  That is largely because of my teaching, research and other commitments since joining KAIST in February as a Visiting Professor in the Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy.  However, as I'll briefly explain here, there should be an uptick in the quality, if not quantity of my blogging during 2013.
The first reason for my expectation is that this blog will benefit from my exploration of related topics in the "Introduction to Mass Communication" course that I'm teaching.  Preparations for that class and the interaction with very bright, mostly motivated students from Korea and around the world is helping me to build a broader and deeper perspective on the emerging global information society.
A second reason has to do with the research side of my activities here.  I've co-authored a paper for a forthcoming academic conference with a good Korean colleague that focuses on Korean government restructuring and its impact on the ICT sector.
My major research activity of late involves writing a monograph length document on behalf of a regional UN institute on the topic of social media for development.  From the beginning, late last summer, this has been not only a tremendous learning exercise and also a very compressed writing project.  It leads into several subjects that I hope to explore on this blog in the future.  One area,  the growing field of "data visualization" will be the subject of my next post.  My exploration of the young, growing field of social media has also given me a few obvious pointers on how to improve the reach and targeting of this blog.
This is likely the penultimate post for 2012!  "Happy New Year" or 새해 복 많이 받으세요!

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